
Armitage Avenue Transcendentalists

edited by Janina Ciezadlo and Penelope Rosemont

Publication date: May 2009
Paperback: $17.00

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The secret history of Chicago. From the South Side's Hyde Park, to the North Beach of Rogers Park, with sidelights in the suburbs and notable stop-overs at Bughouse Square, this lively and wide-ranging book portrays a different vision of Chicago that readers will find refreshing and unforgettable. Here are real-life stories of artists, actors, musicians, post-office workers, poets and dreamers, Maxwell Street defenders and civil rights activists, longtime residents and visitors from afar, from the World's Fair in the 1930s to today.

Stories by or about: Gale Ahrens, Nelson Algren, John Bracey Jr., Slim Brundage, Janina Ciezadlo, Carlos Cortez, Severn Darden, Leon Despres, Bernadette Devlin, Eduardo Galeano, Paul Garon, Lee Godie, Robert Green, Joseph Jablonski, Michael James, Ella Jenkins, Harry Stephen Keeler, Renay Kerkman, Maynard Krasne, Warren Lemming, General Logan, Anne McGravie, Justin O'Brien, Daniel Pinkwater, Irene Plazewska, Marie Plazewski-Horsfall, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Joan Smith, and Studs Terkel.