
Haymarket Scrapbook

edited by Franklin Rosemont and David Roediger

Publication date: January 1986
Paperback: $19.00
Hardcover: $35.00


This profusely illustrated anthology by many of today's finest labor and radical historians focuses on the most world-reverberating event in American labor history: the Haymarket Affair of 1886-87, and on the vast, incredibly varied and enduring influence it has exerted in the United States and across the globe.

Haymarket Scrapbook contributors include William J. Adelman, Carlotta Anderson, Carolyn Ashbaugh, Paul Avrich, Alan Dawley, Heiner Becker, Sam Dolgoff, Richard Drinnon, George Esenwein, Philip Foner, Paul and Elizabeth Garon, Joseph Jablonski, Stuart Kaufman, Sidney Lens, Blaine McKinley, Bruce Nelson, Penelope Rosemont, Beryl Ruehl, Sal Salerno, Stephen Sapolsky, Morris U. Schappes, Diane Scherer, Richard Schneirov, Fred Thompson, Fred Whitehead and many more!

Haymarket Scrapbook also features reprints of hard-to-find writings, speeches and poems by Jane Addams, Oscar Ameringer, Kate Austin, Edward Bellamy, John Brown, Jr., Ralph Chaplin, Voitairine de Cleyre, Eugene Debs, Floyd Dell, David Edelshtat, Emma Goldman, Sam Gompers, Lizzie Holmes, Mother Jones, Harry Kelly, Peter Kropotkin, Jo Labadie, Lucy Parsons, Kenneth Rexroth, Carl Sandburg, Nina van Zandt and many more!

Haymarket Scrapbook also includes more than three hundred cartoons and other illustrations by Flavio Costantini, Walter Crane, Robert Green, George Herriman, Mike Konopacki, Man Ray, Robert Minor, Thomas Nast, Ernest Riebe, Mitchell Siporin, "Dust" Wallin, Art Young-and many more!

“A magnificent work of research, memory and love.”
-Meridel LeSueur

“A masterpiece of American radicalism-exactly the book that the radical movement needs today.”
-George Rawick

“A major contribution to labor history. . . . One of the most visually exciting collections to be published in recent years. . . . It should be on the shelves of every high school and college library. Unions and social action community groups should purchase bulkorders.”
-Joyce L. Kornbluh

“A marvelous, massive, very important book.”
-Studs Terkel

“A remarkable compilation. A genuine scrapbook, with literally hundreds of items and an abundance of visual material.”
-George Woodcock, Freedom

“For the best insight into relations between old anarchist and socialist movements, and a hundred varieties of opinion swirling about them over the last century, get the Haymarket Scrapbook. . . a wonderful, big, fat compendium.”
-Pete Seeger, Sing Out

“A large-scale, innovatively designed collection. A remarkable intellectual accomplishment. . . . The editors have gathered much of the best and most recent historical work on Haymarket and anarchism. Introduces us to many obscure but important anarchist figures.”
-Steve Rosswurm, Chicago History