
The Rise and Repression of Radical Labor 1877-1918

by Daniel Fusfeld

Publication date: January 1992
Paperback: $5.00
Hardcover: $10.00


A short, but packed, history of the radical labor movements in the US.

“The great virtue of this splendid little book is that it reminds us that there was radicalism in working class America and that it was defeated by means neither democratic nor even decent. From the brutality of the Pinkertons and the National Guard to the paternalism of the National Civic Federation, from the judicial murders of the Haymarket martyrs to the vigilante lynching of Frank Little, this is the story of injunction and imprisonment, of the framing up and the gunning down of dissident workers. No assessment of American radicalism, or of American democracy, is complete without the kind of information Professor Fusfeld provides.”
— Dave Roediger