“Dirty Work: Chuang on China, Communism, and Social Contagion,” podcasts interview

In "Dirty Work: Chuang on China, Communism, and Social Contagion", we are pleased to share the transcript of a new interview with Chuang, the collective author of our latest book Social Contagion and other material on the microbiological class war in China.

This interview with Chuang was conducted as a collaboration between three comrade podcasts: Red May’s Cinder Bloc, The Antifada and Charles H. Kerr’s History Against Misery. Due to international security concerns, a circuitous process was necessary to ensure anonymity of the author and listenability for the audience. All together Cinder Bloc, Antifada and History Against Misery sent questions to Chuang and received answers, which Cinder Bloc then transcribed. All podcasters recorded the script as a cohesive interview. The result is an impressive expansion on the book with updates to the analysis in Social Contagion and strategic reflections on how revolutionaries—in whatever part of the world—can navigate and sharpen the crises that define our times.

Thank you to Chuang for the interview and to Cinder Bloc and Antifada for their enormous amount of work. You can listen to the recorded interview on all three podcasts (available wherever you listen to your podcasts).

Order Acceptable Men from AK Press at https://www.akpress.org/acceptable-men.html.


“At the Origins of Treason to the White Race, On Noel Ignatiev’s Acceptable Men” by Ferruccio Gambino


Video for Chuang’s Social Contagion