“Unexpected Sledgehammer: Noel Ignatiev’s Communist Education” — LA Review of Books

Side by side covers of Acceptable Men (CHK 2021) & Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity (Verso 2022)

Side by side covers of Acceptable Men & Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity



For the third anniversary of Noel Ignatiev’s passing, Dylan Davis & Patrick King reviewed both Acceptable Men, his memoir from CHK in 2021, and Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity, a collection of his writing released this year from Verso.

“NOEL IGNATIEV (1940–2019) died three years ago today. We learned of his death on a picket line; here we trace how he grappled with the informal networks of struggle developed by fellow workers during his own time as a laborer in heavy industry.

Whether on factory floors or through economic ebbs and flows, Ignatiev presented class struggle as a sequence of enigmatic forms of conflict, accommodation, and rapprochement. He traced, in microcosm, how the revolutionary processes initiated through the daily activities of ordinary people constituted important “outposts” of a future socialist society in the present. Given the political history and trajectory of capitalist development in the United States, capitulation to the color line and the “poison” bait of white-skin privilege was an overriding possibility. But in the actions of workers in motion, their deeds rather than words, Ignatiev perceived a genuine alternative.”

Read the full review here.


12/13/22 - Dear Rhoda at Pilsen Community Books


Condolences to all who knew our friend, board member, and author Paul Garon, who passed away on Monday at 80 years old.