
Surrealist Experiences

1001 Drawings, 221 Midnights

by Penelope Rosemont

with an introduction by Rikki Ducornet

Publication date: January 1999
Paperback: $12.00

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Penelope Rosemont's first book of articles and essays. It includes nearly two dozen texts originally published in surrealist journals from 1970 through the 90s, plus eleven that appear here for the first time. An ardent defender of all that is most liberating in the revolutionary tradition—from Robin Hood to the L.A. Rebellion—Rosemont is also a passionate defender of love, wilderness, and the poetic life. In these writings, critical theory embraces the "language of birds"; poetic humor reveals the open secrets of revolutionary thought at its wildest and brightest; work and its ideological pillars—white supremacy, sexism, and miserabilism—are exposed; "lost voices" (George Francis Train, Mary MacLane, and others) are retrieved; and the impact on surrealism, of such writers as Nancy Cunard and Ten Joans, is discussed. Not to mention the revolutionary significance of a fairy tale, the importance of play, the affinities of alchemy and anarchy, poetry in the comics, and the future of surrealism. Includes a foreword by Rikki Ducornet.

Includes nearly two dozen texts originally published in surrealist journals from 1970 through the 90s, plus eleven that appear here for the first time.